Periodontally Accelerated Orthodontics (Wilckodontics)

Wilckodontics is a new procedure designed to greatly accelerate the movement of teeth via orthodontic braces. Typical times are approximately four times faster – three to eight months instead of one and a half to three years! This is often highly motivating for adolescents and adults who have been reluctant to proceed with orthodontics because of the length of time needed for the treatment.

Wilckodontics is named after the dentist brothers (an orthodontist and periodontist) who developed it. They refer to their procedure as Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (AOO). Using a couple well established periodontal techniques, the bone surrounding the teeth is “softened” and simultaneously grafted. The softened bone allows the orthodontist to move teeth quickly into their proper alignment. The grafting material in a few months time converts into strong bone, which supports the straightened teeth and a beautiful smile. The softened bone dramatically reduces the time of the orthodontics and many patients also report that the movement of the teeth is much more comfortable than with traditional orthodontic treatment.

Wilckodontics Case Study

Dr. Wilson is the first periodontist in Minnesota to be trained in and to use these exciting new techniques and he works closely with orthodontist Dr. Karen Reese on these cases. More information about Wilckodontics can be found at and you can virtually visit Dr. Reese at

“Wilckodontics was amazing; I only had to have my braces on for 10 months.

The results were life changing; I ended up with the smile I always wanted.” Sarah B.

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